Hi! I’m Matt Bijarchi the Chief Content Officer of Blend. Welcome to our series about creating branded video content. This video outlines the three steps needed to develop and write a creative concept for your video. Step one is to develop a creative brief:
Step 1: Creative Brief Development
The creative brief clearly lays out expectations between the brand stakeholders and the creative team concepting the idea. Defining a creative brief prior to script writing is paramount. It keeps everyone grounded on the shared objectives – the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of what you’re doing. The creative brief serves as the formal guide for the project’s objectives and goals. It should be concise and pithy, with clear direction of who we’re trying to reach and what problem we’re trying to solve. As I said, your creative brief should be ‘brief’ and should focus clearly on Summarizing the Project; Next you define the target audience and what you know about their behavior as it relates to your product or service; you then clearly state the problem you solve; you lay out up front what your success metrics look like and finally you call out any necessary brand constraints to be considered.
· Project Summary
· Target Audience
· The Problem We Solve
· What is Success
· Define any Necessary Constraints
Step 2: Story Development
Step 2 is developing the story for your video. Creating a compelling brand concept that engages your audience is a difficult task. The first thing necessary is to craft the story outline…what’s the context what is the scenario? Next, need to nail down an emotional hook, preferably within the first 5 seconds. If you hook them upfront potential consumers will be more likely to follow the story to satisfy their curiosity. Even with the hook to the story, you need to remain singularly focused on the core message. And finally, you’ll need to end with some sort of call to action that drives the consumer to the next phase of the purchasing journey. (to my side bullet points appear
· Craft Story Outline
· Nail The Hook
· Focus on Core Message
· End with Call To Action
Step 3: Scripting
Step 3 is Scripting. There is a preponderance of video content out there, branded or not, and to stand out and be effective you need to have a tight concept. It’s best to work with professional brand copywriters who are practiced in the constraints of branded storytelling.
Once you have your story development process sorted, you’ll want to take the core story and have it scripted out in three different, fully baked scripts. You’ll next need to do perhaps the most difficult part of all and choose only one idea and kill the rest. Tighten up the final script, get sign off from all stakeholders and move to storyboarding where every set up of the story is sketched out and defines what the viewer will see and hear as the story unfolds. (to my side bullet points appear)
· 3 Different Scripts
· Choose One
· Get buy in from all stakeholders
· Storyboard.
You can continue watching our Video Tutorials about branded video content here on our blog.
If you’d like to discuss your project with us, you can reach out by clicking here.
Matt Bijarchi