Shop Small: 5 Reasons to Work with Boutique Digital Marketing Agencies

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When you work with boutique digital marketing agencies, you can have your cake and eat it too.

Selecting a digital marketing agency for your brand or business can feel like an impossible task. According to a study by IBISWorld, in 2019 there were nearly 70,000 businesses in the advertising industry. With so many options to choose from, it can be endlessly time consuming to conduct an agency search. Many of the world’s largest companies work with a small group of massive multinational agencies– but for most companies, that isn’t the best choice. Smaller boutique digital marketing agencies can provide comparable work and results to their bigger rivals, with a whole slew of other benefits you wouldn’t get elsewhere, regardless if your brand is big or small. Below are five reasons working with a boutique digital marketing agency might be the best option for your business.

  1. They Offer Flexible Pricing.
    • While massive full service agencies have in house staffing for just about anything you could imagine, that comes along with a massive price tag. Since these agencies work primarily with larger corporations, and they operate with huge overhead costs, they’re only able to take on clients that have deep marketing pockets.
    • Boutique marketing agencies are able to more easily accommodate clients of all sizes– with just enough staff to accommodate smaller and medium sized clients, and the ability to scale up when necessary for larger projects. The smaller offices mean they keep their operating costs down. Additionally, boutiques often need to have competitive pricing to help set themselves apart from the crowded field of competition. If you have a limited marketing budget, or even are just fed with costly wastes and inefficiencies of huge agencies, boutiques are a far better bang for your buck
  2. You Get to Work Directly With the Principles.
    • Large agencies tend to have a large volume of clients while boutiques have smaller rosters. This means when you work with a large agency you’re more often than not working with a secondary team and not the marque creatives and producers that service the biggest projects. At a boutique you get the advantage of dealing directly with the principles. This means on a day to day basis you get facetime with the most experienced and valued members of the team. 
  3. They Work with Clients of All Sizes. 
    • Boutique digital marketing agencies have the ability to adapt to the size of their client. They have a low enough volume that they’re able to take on small and medium sized business while still giving the accounts top quality service. Boutiques can also scale up and hire extra staff or freelancers for bigger clients or long term retainer based clients. Because boutiques aren’t one size fits all, you can work with them to find a customized unique marketing plan that works for your brand. 
  4. Faster Project Turnaround Time.
    • At a big agency, there are so many departments, so many layers of approvals, that it can take months before decisions are made. Boutique firms don’t have the luxury of moving at a glacial pace– they have a vested interest in delivering the finished product to the client as soon as possible. This is ideal if you’re a small or mid-sized marketing team looking to spend the remainder of budget quickly, when waiting months on a creative brief just isn’t going to cut it. 
  5. They are also Business Owners.
    • Boutique marketing agencies are small businesses themselves– they aren’t owned by multinational holding companies. This means they have overlapping interests with their clients– growth for their long-term clients inherently means growth for their firm. Individual relationships are far more important to boutiques because they have a more significant impact on their overall success. 

For the vast majority of business and brands, boutique digital marketing agencies are the best choice. They provide value, flexibility, and quality of service that’s hard to match by bigger firms. If you’re interested in partnering with a industry leading boutique agency to building a marketing strategy and create content for your brand, reach out to blend by clicking below.